The Cold Steel Battle Star is the product of years of refinement, numerous design iterations and countless hours of throwing, in the name of testing. It is no mere novelty like their competitors flimsy offerings but a truly unique throwing implement.
Cold Steel company President, Lynn C Thompson worked with award winning Martial Artist James Houston, exploring the close quarter potential of the Shuriken as a hand to hand combat tool, developing a monster sized star that can not only be thrown but be used as a very effective hand to hand weapon. Its huge spikes are almost 4" long and 2" wide at the base, tapering to fine but sturdy points that penetrate even tough materials with relative ease.
The Battle Star is very intuitive to use, quick to learn and a pleasure to master. Big and strong enough to be thrown with force, it hits as hard as a heavy duty throwing knife, but it is balanced and accurate enough to hit with precision as well as strength. Whether being used for sport throwing, competition, recreation, hunting or even self-defense the Battle Star delivers! Cold Steel: CS80SSXL